Life is unpredictable. You will find many ups and downs throughout the way. Most people want to trust God. It can feel simpler when times are good. But when times feel tough, it is even more essential to trust God. God’s steadfast character could give us a solid foundation when things feel uncertain and unsteady.
Life could be going along flawlessly. Your job is satisfying. Your family and friends are enjoyable. Your outlook, health, finances, and goals seem optimistic. Then, suddenly, life throws you a curveball. Somebody you know gets ill. You lose your job. A family member or friend deceives you. Also, the things you felt secure in all of a sudden feel uncertain and shaky.
How do you believe that God is faithful in such situations? How do you trust Him if you don’t understand what’s happening? When can’t you see a resolution? Those are valid questions, and God wants to help you navigate them all.
Throughout the years, I have been filled with transitions. A lot of changes are needed. Just as somebody entering adulthood, some of these changes are confusing. Through it all, I have asked myself how I can worship God in the midst of all such changes? How can I make a difference in other people’s lives when things seem uncertain in my life? What am I even doing with my own life? 

And that is how my transition journey began.